Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Miss Sarah had a birthday a couple weeks ago. This is what I sent her:

A shirt I hotfixed with a rhinestone "5"

A set of jammies with a funny thing she said stenciled on them

and little treat bags for her and Sam

Here she is in her "5" shirt with flowers from her daddy for her flower party.

I just love this picture of her getting her toenails painted! I miss her and wish I could have been there to celebrate her birthday with her in person!


Jana said...

Suz told me about the sucker pjs! Oh so cute!!! :) YOu are such a great aunt!

Kathi said...

I wish I could see her in those darling jammies!

Sara said...

She is just SO SO SO SO cute!
You get the aunt of the year award! You made such cute things.