Here's Jake and Andrew last Christmas Eve - reminding us that it's time to start in on the coming Christmas season. It is here!
Natalie's Internet is down so this is a temporary final nablopomo post until she gets it going. (from her mom)
Random musings on single motherhood, sewing, and living with Fibromyalgia
And if not, there's always this:
And the sweet final product!
Perfect for an almost teenager.
Brian Moffatt says he blogs
... because I believe that there is only the particular and singular in life. It's that voice thing. I don't want to beat that to death, but I had this conversation with a blogger the other night. The first I had met in real life. I mentioned to him - a new blogger - that one of the things I really enjoyed was watching someone new to blogging develop and emerge. Seeing their voice emerge. Like a burlesque. Peeling away the layers of clothing, the self-consciousness rising and dissolving, the tentativeness, the self-loathing, the self-pity and then BOOM - there she is!Why Frank, why???
At the onset, it seemed a novel experiment. One had what seemed an offer of new modes of conversation, expression, and sharing -- evolutionary steps toward a new social imagination. The possibility of creative cross currents unevacuated by petty egoisms, status plays, the usual. was the thought of mingling one’s preoccupations and whims, moods and epiphanies, in the vast ocean of other people’s stuff like that. Who could say what might come of it? And not just other people of the present, but of other times. One of the early blog posts I recall producing was a wondering look at how, as the web develops, more of the past will be linkable. The future held the possibility of recovering the past to a greater extent than the present. The past, which had no digital network, was lost to itself as soon as it occurred. This all seemed quite the right thing, and it was before Google, so it was with a touch of awe that I thought of one’s blog as an extension into a stream growing newer and older simultaneously, extending its threads forward and back with inexorable and sticky energy, until, perhaps at its end, it would, through a commodius vicus of linkification, sink deep into the foundations of our moment in time. The web would capture the juicy bug, and it would be, voila, the web.
Or the simplified version:
Sam had glow in the dark jammies before and when I asked Sarah what kind of pajamas she wanted, she said glow in the dark! And Diego is her favorite character ever so I was super happy when I found this Diego and Dora fabric and it wasn't ugly like the other Diego fabric I'd found. When I asked Sam if he would rather Pooh and Friends jammies or dinosaurs, he said... "dinosaurs, as long as there's a T Rex on them." So here they are. The T Rexes are all outlined in glow in the dark paint on the pants and on the shirt applique, and the word Diego is outlined on Sarah's pants and shirt. I also did all the dinosaur eyes with the paint, and the star's eyes on Sarah's pants. These were really fun to do and I got so excited about them! The very best part of all is talking to these two on the phone and hearing Sarah say when it is dark, she can just look at the light on them and not be scared! And Sam said I was "the best tagmaker in the world" (I put flag tags in the pants because Sam loves flags and Sarah wants to be just like Sam!) and Sarah said I was "the best Nannies in the world." (All the kids call me "Nannies".) I think those are two of the best compliments I've ever gotten!
Two Silly Billies