It's no secret that my favorite times are when my family all gets together, and the more in town the better. My sister came with her kids last week, including my new PRECIOUS niece Gracie. That girl is a charmer! She smiles and goos constantly.

We had sooo much fun! The kids always have a blast together and I adore playing with them.

This little girl is growing up! She loved feeling like she was one of the big kids and "drawing" with them.

My favorite time bar none with the kids, is lying down with them when they are going to sleep. They snuggle right in to me, and they aren't going anywhere, they're stuck with me. We tell or read stories and talk about stuff, and it seriously doesn't get much better than that. I think it is heaven. Jo doesn't, because I am not good about making them go to sleep and after playing hard all day long and waking up early, they need to. (Sorry Jo. Sometimes I can be good, I promise.) But seriously, I don't get to have this much fun very often!

Jake is proving to be a great cousin to all these little ones. He made lots of grilled cheeses and made Gracie smile by kissing her tummy, even when she wasn't in the mood to smile. Having little brothers (his dad's) has been so good for him! Here's his hand holding little Gracie's.

Jo is moving to Pennsylvania, so we had the best time picking out decor for her new place.
On a completely unrelated note, I loved American Idol this season and don't want to see its demise. I loved Lee all throughout, liked Casey a lot and then fell head over heels for Casey about a week before he went off, and now I can't get enough of him. He is such a good guy! AGH those long legs. That ready smile. Those eyes. That voice. Swoon. (Oh, and the AI judges? I've grown to really like and value Simon, but now that he is going, can he just take the others with him?)
I'm glad we got at least one picture of your little Jakey (other than his hand), if 6 feet is little.
They're all so cute! And it was SO much fun! They're so lucky to have aunts that love them so much.
(That was my 'so' sentence.)
It really was a blast wasn't it?! I loved learning how to make bows. Thanks for teaching me!
I love how much you love your family and especially the little ones. I always like people who love little kids and babies. Hope you have a nice holiday weekend and that you're feeling well.
I'm so glad Jo came for a visit!! I know Suz had a BLAST with all ya'll!
Casey was one of my AI boyfriends from the begining! HOTNESS! But my relationship w/ Lee, we started out as friends, but have grown to love each other! We're gonna get married! ;) (Don't tell Kara... she gets jealous) Though, it's too bad him and Andrew Garcia aren't gonna have Danney Gokey babies! ;)
Sweet Jana! You and Lee and Casey and I can have a double wedding. LOL
Oh that comment Crystal made about Danny Gokey babies was hilarious!!!
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