And I am turning 37 (ACK! Where has all the time gone!?)...
I decided to share 37 Random Facts About Me
1. I think it would be awesome to learn to fly an airplane.2. I have been parasailing and loved it!
3. I would really love to go hang gliding.
4. Bungee jumping doesn’t appeal to me because I think it would yank my back completely out of whack and I would hurt.
5. For one whole summer, I wouldn’t (or would only rarely) swim in our pool when I was younger because of all the snot I always saw people wipe from their noses.
6. I thought it was cool when my cousin Camille plugged her nose when she swam, so I did too, and now I ‘have’ to plug my nose.
7. I absolutely LOVE L-O-V-E LOVE riding on a boat, in the front with the wind in my hair.
8. I love wind.
9. I would really, really like to prove to myself that I can make money at a great job that was meaningful to me.
10. I would REALLY like to feel up to doing more than lying in bed all day every day. REALLY.
11. I love heat. When I was in High School, I had a heater in my room and knew how to use it! I think I probably kept it at about 75ยบ in there.
12. I love sunshine and spring and summer and dislike fall and winter.
13. I don’t like mushrooms. All I can think about is that they’re fungus.
14. Sometimes I eat cinnamon straight out of the spice jar.
15. I think hairspray is icky. I don’t like the smell. I don’t like the feel of it in my hair. And I really can’t stand the feeling that it is on me anywhere, and it feels like that once you spray it on your hair, because that stuff goes everywhere.
16. My favorite meal in college was Special K cereal. But that was also when I really got into learning to like vegetables.
17. I don’t like chocolate. Well... not that much.
18. I like chocolate chip cookies, but pick out some of the chocolate chips. Ok –I’d pick them all out if I could.
19. I don't really like candy.
20. I do (unfortunately) like baked goods and bread.
21. I think carrot cake (without raisins or nuts) is way better than chocolate or vanilla cake.
22. I don’t tolerate a lot of noise very well.
23. I feel things extremely deeply.
24. Life would be a lot easier if I didn’t.
25. I read constantly. I often have a novel, a self-help or health-type book, and something else like a church magazine going at one time. I can’t focus well on the non-fiction, but I like to learn that stuff so I try. I have to have a good novel going at all times.
26. I am very interested in alternative medicine.
27. I really like things to be pretty and am very aesthetically-minded. Ie: cool fonts, pretty paper, my surroundings, clothes, etc.
28. I’m kind of scared of people.
29. I like words. I LOVE word games. One of my top favorites is where you make as many words as you can out of another word.
30. I write to people better than I talk to them.
31. I wish I had more kids. Like 4 altogether.
32. But I would need MUCH better health.
33. I love water. It is the only thing I really like to drink.
34. I think the voice is the best musical instrument. (not mine)
35. I like to travel and see different places. I even like to be in different cities that are near to me just to be there and see what they are like.
36. I like natural foods and rarely eat refined sugar. I try not to eat processed stuff.
37. I don’t eat or drink dairy, except for cheese, which I seem to tolerate just fine.

Me in 1974 (age 2) with Jeff
Wow! That was so fun to read! Thanks for being you! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We're thinking of you here, and the kids are looking forward to calling you later.
First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :)
Second, I totally love this post!
5> Ok gross, now I am going to think of that when I swim instead of the news show report on getting caught on the grate at the bottom of the pool.
8> I'm surprised you love the wind.. Suz HATES it and it's to do with the noise (your #22)
30> I TOTALLY write to people better than I speak to them!
And the picture... how cute are you?!
Happy birthday Natalie darling!
I love this post! Fun facts.
Notice how you and Jeff are just sitting, or bouncing, around in the back of the station wagon. No car seats for you! Way before seat belts.
happy birthday! it was way fun to read things i didn't know about you! hope you had a fabulous day!
Wow, i know more about u than i thought. Go me. (i say that b/c i already knew a lot of that)
I TOTALLY get u on the being scared of people! Maybe it's a social anxiety thing.
What a fun post. I love your blog. There's just something about it that always makes me smile.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks for being the BEST sister a person could ask for!
That picture is so SWEET! Look how cute the two of you are.
fun info on you!
You need to teach me how to eat healthier (I think the majority of what I eat is refined sugar) and give me some good book recommendations!! I would love that.
I hope you have a fabulous day! I love you!
Happy Happy Birthday. Love your post and hearing different facts about you. Miss you tons.
Hey Natalie,
I was wondering if you could email me at I wanted to talk to you about a sewing project...if you don't mind. I don't have your email or your number.
I just have some questions for the pro!!
Thanks so much. No rush, just when you get a chance.
Thanks SOOO much everyone! I love you all!
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