Well, I'm not too sure what I think about blogging yet. Of course I love to read other people's blogs, but do I have anything interesting enough to say!? Lol - well, I figured it is a good way to stay in touch with people and also to get memories and happenings out of my mind and on to somewhere more lasting. So I am giving it a shot!
The happenings in August: My 36th birthday. OK, umm what? Where did all that time go? And did I really just lose over 10 years of my life in bed for a good part of it??? Bleahchhh Oh well - I just know Heavenly Father has big plans for me so I can make up for lost time.

I swear I love kids so much. These two are amazing kids and so is my other nephew Andrew. (I'll be sharing pics of him soon.) It is a blast when they come and I wish I could spend every minute with them. Their personalities are so fun and it is a delight to watch them grow and change. Except when they do it in another state! I can't believe Sam will be going to 1st grade next year and little Mr. Andrew starts Kindergarten!!! Sarah will be in pre-school. I asked her if any of her friends were going there with her and she said "no, but there will be other people there." And then she thought for a second and with a thoughtful and unsure expression said... "I think?" Like at least I think there will be other kids there! And even funnier is the fact that she knows that her best friend WILL be going with her. Hahaha
We need to get a pic of Andrew in his because all I can find is the one of his jammies without him in them.
Liane reminded me of a good scripture. You're well aware of it. He that receiveth my father receiveth my Father's kingdom; therefore all that my Father hath shall be given unto him. (pertaining to your life in bed).
Thanks for that Mom. Good perspective. I decided to put jammie pictures up later!
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