This is Zachary Levi in the UK leading a huge crowd to Subway. The notes here say it was over 200 people. I heard Zac Levi saying it was 600 people in another video. He gets behind the counter to help make the sandwiches!! (You may not be interested in this but I just had to post it.)
Save the Nerd Herd and get to Subway today!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Footlongs for Chuck and other notes

Do you watch Chuck? It is only my FAVORITE show on TV. So pleeeease I am begging you... go to Subway on Monday, April 27th and buy a footlong. Then leave a comment in their comment box that says "Renew Chuck" or "Save Chuck" or something like that. And then watch the show LIVE. The stupid networks might not renew it again and I will be so sad if they don't. I just think it is hard to find good, funny, quirky, intelligent, and pretty clean shows like this on TV and I love this one. So please help me ...

It looks good on Andrew though.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sarah's new outfit
I heard that a cute little girl needed some Summer clothes. So, naturally, I got busy.

The flower has frayed edges.
I hope my little niece Sarah likes her outfit.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter Peeps!
I love Easter and the new life it represents. Spring is by far my favorite season. I just love watching the world come to life again after the deadness of Fall and Winter. I love the story of the resurrection and that we have the knowledge that we get to live with Heavenly Father and Christ again because our Savior died for us, and then rose again. I am so grateful that none of us have to die spiritually, but need simply to repent of our sins and we are reunited with the Spirit in this life, and if we choose, with our loving Savior and Father in the next. It truly is a plan of happiness.
And on the lighter side, Jake and I dyed Easter eggs last week. We got kind of silly and had fun. Jake thought I was a goofus for thinking it was so funny that I was making a Humpty Dumpty. What can I say, sometimes I get slap happy. The paint was all gloopy but what do you do? Jake made an awesome storm trooper!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We had a nice weekend. How about you?
Jake got to go to Moab.

I got a nice break and finished this:

And watched conference. My favorite talk was Jeffrey R. Holland's talk about our Savior. I wish those who think we are not Christians could just watch maybe an hour of conference. Or better yet - THAT talk. It fed me and filled me. I also loved Elder Scott's tender words. What was your favorite?
Jake got to go to Moab.

I got a nice break and finished this:
And watched conference. My favorite talk was Jeffrey R. Holland's talk about our Savior. I wish those who think we are not Christians could just watch maybe an hour of conference. Or better yet - THAT talk. It fed me and filled me. I also loved Elder Scott's tender words. What was your favorite?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Update in Pictures
So, apparently I don't do real well without this:

Humpty Dumpty after the fall.
Thanks for bearing with me. I did get some gamma globulin now but don't know when I will be able to get it again so I'm trying to take it sparingly.
Jake's percussion concert. They got to play on garbage cans, which was pretty dang cool. And those are his best buds on either side. Mitch and Forest.
Forgive me while I take a moment here to ponder Jake's cuteness.

My gamma globulin shot. It has become very hard to get at the moment. For the last few weeks, I have been feeling very much like this:

Humpty Dumpty after the fall.
Thanks for bearing with me. I did get some gamma globulin now but don't know when I will be able to get it again so I'm trying to take it sparingly.
Last week, I did get to enjoy this:
Jake's percussion concert. They got to play on garbage cans, which was pretty dang cool. And those are his best buds on either side. Mitch and Forest.
Jake is having so much fun learning drums in his percussion class. He is doing fantastic, even though he has only been in there since January and all the other kids have been in there since the beginning of the school year. He picked it up so fast.
Forgive me while I take a moment here to ponder Jake's cuteness.
Thank you for coming Grams, Pa and Suz!! And thank you Grams for matching that sign (that is pointing to Jake's head) so well.
Jake's General Music Choral Concert. I hate to say it but I was not looking forward to this one. (Part of that was that Jake wasn't excited about it or the least bit proud of it. He thought they all could have sung much louder and better, which I think is kind of funny for some reason.) I ended up enjoying it thoroughly though! It was fun to see all the kids that age and their interactions, what they wore, etc. I am ending up really liking this age that Jake is right now. I completely dreaded it, but he is doing well and I really like watching him go through his junior high experience so far.
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